
The "Scientific Adam".

Creation of Adam
A 5-years project has been undertaken as partnership between National Geographic and IBM. The purpose of the project is to trace our "Scientific Adam" through a huge amount of blood test and DNA studies all over the world.
The result of the project is quite amazing and it suggests that all humans descended from a single African ancestor who lived some 60,000 years ago. That man is what we call "Scientific Adam".
We are not saying this "Scientific Adam" is our ultimate ancestor form the beginning of the world but we all have his Y genetics in our blood.
IF it is ture, a stranger who is just walking pass you in the street would be your brotherhood! It is very increditable.
However, human being seem don't understand or you can say don't want to understand this issue. Our history is a history of War such as the WWI, WWII, religional conflict in Middle East, extremely nationalism in Japan....... Simply, it means fighting each other all the time.
If we are really came from one "Scientific Adam", don't you agree we are the most stupid organism in the world? Or we may vanish ourselves someday if we still don't stop this kind of foolish behavior immediately!

Reference Information:Search for Adam

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

其實人不一定會因為血緣關係而減少相殘, 一個有很多兄弟姊妹的家庭反而更容易出現勾心鬥角.

另外還想到很多人經常說, 有血緣關係的人交合會令下一代智力下降. 如果同一個祖先的理論是真的話, 那麼我們的祖先是否應該比現代人聰明很多~? lol

新鮮人 說...


d DNA都混到十分多Combitation了,